(To) give a hand
an experience
(To) Give a Hand is a durational performative experience based on the “service task” exercise taught on the second day of the workshop. The different duets will be put in an order and performed one after the other to produce a seamless experience. In the specific dispositive that the “service task” offers the active person is released of the fear of “performing” or being “watched”, due to the concentration created by the task. The passive person on the other hand is the one that is actually “in charge”, being the choreographer and performer.
This paradox is creating a tension where intimacy, sensations and even embarrassment are being shared.
The performative experience will be located on the same place as the performance (To) Come and See, reversing the space. The audience is invited to watch the experience from the other side of the curtain and to freely enter and leave as they wish. The length of the experience is determined by the number of duets. We propose this experience to be free of charge for the public.